Java 16 – Record

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Java 16 is the latest release of the Java programming language, and it brings with it a lot of exciting new features. One of the most significant features introduced in Java 16 is records. Records are a new type of class that are designed to make it easier to define classes whose main purpose is to store data.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at records in Java 16 and explore how they work, what benefits they offer, and how to use them in your code.

What are records in Java 16?

Records are a new type of class in Java 16 that are designed to be simple, compact, and easy to use. They are intended to be used as a replacement for traditional Java classes that are used solely for storing data.

The syntax for defining a record in Java 16 is similar to that of a regular class, but with some differences. Here is an example:

public record Person(String firstName, String lastName, int age) {
    // Implementation of the record class

As you can see, the keyword record is used instead of the keyword class. The record defines three fields: firstName, lastName, and age, which are all of type String and int, respectively.

Benefits of using records in Java 16

Records provide several benefits over traditional Java classes. Here are a few key advantages:

  1. Concise syntax: The syntax for defining records is much simpler and more concise than that of regular classes, making it easier to read and write code.
  2. Immutable by default: Records are immutable by default, meaning that the fields cannot be changed once the record is created. This makes it easier to reason about the state of your code and can help prevent bugs caused by unexpected changes to your data.
  3. Automatic implementation of common methods: Records automatically generate implementations for common methods like equals(), hashCode(), and toString(). This reduces the amount of boilerplate code that you need to write and helps ensure that your code is correct.
  4. Supports pattern matching: Records support pattern matching, which allows you to easily extract data from records and perform operations based on the data. This can be especially useful when working with large datasets.

How to use records in Java 16

To use records in your code, you first need to make sure that you are using Java 16 or later. Once you have Java 16 installed, you can define a record as shown in the example above.

You can then create instances of your record using the constructor, like this:

Person john = new Person("John", "Doe", 30);

You can access the fields of your record using the dot notation, like this:


Records also support pattern matching, which allows you to perform operations based on the data contained in the record. Here is an example:

public void printName(Person person) {
    if (person instanceof Person p) {
        System.out.println(p.firstName() + " " + p.lastName());

In this example, we use pattern matching to extract the data from the person parameter and print the person’s first and last name.


Records are an exciting new feature in Java 16 that make it easier to define classes that are used solely for storing data. They provide a simpler syntax, automatic implementation of common methods, and support for pattern matching. If you are working with data in your Java code, records are definitely worth checking out!

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